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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fruits and Vegetables Carving



Knife is a versatile and an important tool in the arts of fruits and vegetables carving. There are several kinds of knife with specific purposes; carving knives, sharp pointed knives. Types of knife use must be from stainless steel or bronze blade which contained low quantity of carbon, as carbon will deteriorate or faded vegetable’s color.

  • Carving knife
  • Sharp pointed carving knife
  • Seeding knife
  • Zigzag bladed knife
  • Peeler


There are sort of vegetable usually have distinctive characteristics. For example, some vegetables are easily soft, brittle, bruised and wilted if not kept in place and the right temperature. Some of it have to be soaked in water before and after carved and. Therefore, knowledge about the characteristics of vegetables should be available for individuals who want to carve these materials.

  • should be fresh without any shrinkage or wrinkles. Choose medium size and an equal size of each. It should be soaked in water before carved to reduce sore in the eye.

  • choose a firm texture and mature as it pester out carving process and took a lot of time to complete the carving design and also it can easily breaks. Carrot must be soaked it water after carved.

  • choose a fresh and in a nice round shape. Red colors of it give a nice appearance. For decoration and carving, choose a medium size and not too mature.
  • select a firm cucumber. It should be soaked in water after carved to get a nice shape and more bloom.
  • select a thick skin pumpkin and solid filling. After being carved, it should be soaked in water.


Carving Knife

  • All sorts of knives must be sharp.
  • Don’t use rusty knife.
  • Use the right knife for the right purpose.
  • Never soaked knife in the same bowl of carved vegetables.
  • Wash knife after sharpened process.
  • Hold knife with the right techniques.
  • Imagining design to be carved.
  • Room Environment
  • Carved vegetables in a clean cold place or at least in a room temperature.
  • Avoid carved in a smelly area.
  • Before use, refrigerated the carved vegetable.
  • In order to prevent it from dried, cover carved vegetable with wet towel or wet tissue.
  • Don’t stored it too long in chiller as it will loose freshness.